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The Vestry and the Clergy are fiscally and spiritually responsible for the well-being of any Episcopal parish.  Clergy are called by the Vestry after a lengthy period of prayer and discernment and with the consent of a diocesan bishop.  Vestry members are elected by members of the parish for 3 year terms.  Two Wardens are selected by the Rector and the Vestry to serve as leaders of the Vestry. 

Our Vestry

Gary Shine, Senior Warden
Randy Lemcke
, Junior Warden
David Collins, Treasurer
Diane Shine, Clerk

Cathy Koch

Harriet Nor
Gloria Pankonin
Michelle Walsh

The Rev. Elizabeth Meade, Rector


Our Rector


The Rev. Elizabeth Meade


Join us soon at our historic church, just two blocks from the lake. During Sunday worship, expect a traditional  service of hymns, prayer, scripture and reflection. You can also expect a warm welcome from a friendly and vivacious group of Christian people who are anxious to serve God and the world.                                                                Dress is "lake casual." 


As Episcopalians, we believe there is more to life than just the physical world; that a spiritual realm surrounds us too.  Because of that belief, we strive to be present in the world while we attune our senses to the beauty of God's creation and God's presence all around us. 


Please join us anythime you are in the area for worship at 10:30 on Sunday mornings. During Lake Geneva's Thursday Farmers Markets (summer months) the sanctuary is open mornings for prayer, rest and reflection. 


Grace and peace. 

Mother Liz+

Parking Info
The City of Lake Geneva does charge for parking, even on Sundays! 
Placards for free parking during our Sunday worship are available.
Please ask an usher!

Holy Communion Episcopal Church 

Lake Geneva, WI 53147


Phone:    262-248-3522

Address: 320 Broad Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147



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