The Vestry and the Clergy are fiscally and spiritually responsible for the well-being of any Episcopal parish. Clergy are called by the Vestry after a lengthy period of prayer and discernment and with the consent of a diocesan bishop. Vestry members are elected by members of the parish for 3 year terms. Two Wardens are selected by the Rector and the Vestry to serve as leaders of the Vestry.

Our Vestry
Randy Lemcke, Senior Warden
Gary Shine, Junior Warden
David Collins, Treasurer
Diane Shine, Clerk
Cathy Koch
Gloria Pankonin
Anthony Divito
Steve Zeisler
The Rev. Ryan R. Delaney, Rector

Our Rector

Fr. Ryan R. Delaney +
Who is Church of the Holy Communion, anyway?
We are a fiercely loyal community of Jesus followers in Lake Geneva, WI, worshiping in the rich and ancient Anglican tradition. We are grounded in the faith of the Church—believing in the creeds, the humanity and divinity of Christ, and the call to love and serve others.
We take seriously Jesus' command to respect the dignity of every human being—no exceptions. In a world that is often divided and hurting, we strive to reflect Christ’s love, grace, and truth in all that we do.
Are we controversial? Maybe. Jesus certainly was. Like Him, we choose to live our faith out loud, not for the sake of making noise, but to make a difference.
Come worship, grow, and serve with us. There's a place for you here.
Father Ryan +