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We are a joy-filled family of Christians who find comfort in the traditions of the Episcopal Church. Our historic church is located two blocks from the shores of beautiful Geneva Lake. 

              What makes our historic building a church are the people

who participate in worship, prayer, service, and outreach. 

You will find us a warm and caring place in which to renew your faith,

connect with others, and to re-connect with God. 



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What we believe

  • in Jesus Christ as our Lord

  • in Faith AND reason

  • that loving God and loving neighbor are non-negotiable

  • that the Bible is to be taken seriously, and therefore not literally

  • that God loves all people, even sinners

  • that Christianity is about asking questions and life long learning

  • that you don’t have to believe everything about Jesus in order to follow him

  • that service in and to the community is not optional

  • that faith is a never-ending journey, not a one-time event


The Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is an open and affirming parish of people dedicated to doing the work to which Christ calls us.  We worship in an historic downtown church located two blocks from the shores of beautiful Geneva Lake. We proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ not only in our worship, but every day through our faith and action in the world. 


We are a parish formally affiliated with the organizations linked below. 


Our Leadership

The Vestry and the Clergy are fiscally and spiritually responsible for the well-being of any Episcopal parish.  Clergy are called by the Vestry after a lengthy period of prayer and discernment and with the consent of a diocesan bishop.  Vestry members are elected by members of the parish for 3 year terms.  Two Wardens are selected by the Rector and the Vestry to serve as leaders of the Vestry.

Our Vestry

Randy Lemcke, Sr. Warden
Gary Shine, Jr. Warden
David Collins, Treasurer
Diane Shine, Clerk
Cathy Koch
Anthony Divito
Stephen Zeisler

The Rev. Ryan Delaney+, Rector


Welcome to Church of the Holy Communion!


Just two blocks from the lake, our historic church is a place of worship, community, and reflection. When you join us on Sunday morning, you’ll experience a traditional service with hymns, scripture, prayer, and a message rooted in faith and everyday life. More importantly, you’ll be greeted by a warm and welcoming congregation of people who love God and strive to live out that love in the world.


Dress is casual, just as you’d expect in a lakeside town.


As Episcopalians, we believe that life is more than what we see and touch; God’s presence surrounds us in ways both tangible and mysterious. Our worship helps us tune our hearts to that presence, deepening our connection with Christ and one another.


Whether you’re a longtime resident or just visiting, we invite you to worship with us Sundays at 10:30 AM. During Lake Geneva’s Thursday Farmers Market in the summer, our sanctuary is open in the mornings for quiet prayer and reflection, we’d love for you to stop in.


We hope to see you soon!


Grace and peace,


Fr. Ryan+

Our History 

Our history is long and proud. Church of the Holy Communion is one of the oldest Episcopal parishes in Wisconsin – services began in 1844 in Bloomfield Township, WI. We moved to our current Lake Geneva location, two blocks from the lake, in 1880. To be linked to our whole history and to see photographs, please click the history button below. For a tour of our historic sanctuary, choose the Docent's Guide button below. 

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